Haven Distributors – Equipment for Removing Mold Damage

What to Expect when You Call a Mold Remediation Company

Mold exposure leads to health problems. It can grow indoors and outdoors, but when it travels inside, it can cause respiratory problems, allergies, sinus infections and skin rashes. In extreme cases, mold can cause death. What is more, mold can grow quickly.  A small colony of it can form in just two days after the initial mold spore makes contact with an indoor surface. In homes, the areas that are most susceptible to this are air ducts, basements and other areas where moisture is present. Because of how fast mold can grow and because of the health problems it can cause it is crucial to call a mold remediation company the moment you notice a significant amount of it. How to Spot Mold Mold can come in different colors like white, black, brown, green and even orange or brown. It might look powdery or furry. Powdery, black mold is considered the most dangerous type. Contact your mold remediation company right away if you notice it. In addition to seeing the telltale stains, your family members may experience some symptoms of mold exposure. These symptoms may include a runny nose, wheezing, stuffiness, sinus pressure or watery eyes. People with asthma may experience more attacks. What Happens When You Call a Mold Company A mold remediation professional will use many professional tools, techniques and strategies to remove the mold and prevent it from re-growing. The first step is to test the quality of air in your home. This will let you know just how serious the problem is and how extensive the damage is. They will also test the mold to identify the strain growing in your home. They will then proceed with removing the mold as thoroughly as possible. The most common areas for unhealthy amounts of mold to grow in are HVAC ducts. This is one reason that you should have a regular cleaning schedule for your air ducts. As the cleaning is done, the professionals  will also make sure that no cross-contamination occurs.  They will also dispose of any and all mold in a professional manner.  The act of removing the mold can actually disturb and spread the mold spores so the mold removal should be done inside a containment barrier with negative air pressure. Before testing the area to see how much cleaner the air quality is, they will dry and dehumidify the areas affected. If needed, your mold company will also dispose of any materials that needed to be torn apart. Sometimes mold is so bad it destroys walls or ceilings. These areas will also be treated so that future mold growth will be inhibited. Contact your mold remediation company the moment you notice any mold growing indoors. The first step to keeping your home’s atmosphere as healthy and clean as it should be is having a professional measure its air quality. You can take preventative measures following a mold remediation. Keep your air ducts clean by having them cleaned regularly. When you store items in garages or basements, keep them dry. Finally, leave open boxes of baking soda in moisture-prone areas to inhibit mold growth.

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